There are some good things about having to stay at home.

There are, of course, many, many downsides to pandemic restrictions, but arguably, there are certain benefits to slowing down and spending more time at home (even though it has been forced on us).
Looking on the bright side, these are some of the things you might understand if you actually quite enjoy life being pared back…
It’s a great excuse to not go out
If you’re the kind of homebody who hates having social plans every night of the week, and who prefers to be home by 9pm even when
you do go out, lockdown gives you carte blanche to clear your diary. Sadly, it doesn’t give you a reason to avoid socialising on Zoom, so you’ll have to get creative with your excuses on that front…
You prefer working from home
Yes, you miss your work pals sometimes, but if you can do it, what’s not to love about working from home?! There’s no commuting, you can stay in your PJs all day, you’ve got easy access to the fridge and no boss breathing down your neck. It’s bliss.
You get more time with loved ones
While it’s harder to see friends and family who live farther away during lockdown, if you’re in a household of more than one, you get
more quality time with those you live with. Whether it’s your partner, kids or housemates, it’s nice not to have that ‘ships in the night’ feeling, which can so often be the result of hectic schedules.
You enjoy the slower pace of life
Similarly, being forced to stop rushing around makes you realise how stressed you were before lockdown. Now, you don’t get to
Sunday night and feel like you need another two days to recover from the jam-packed weekend that’s just gone.
There’s slightly more time for relaxing activities
With all those empty evenings and weekends you can, for once, actually indulge in the kind of fun, relaxing pastimes you never normally get around to. Whether it’s curling up on the sofa to watch your favourite movie, getting creative in the kitchen with new recipes, doing some pampering with a DIY mani-pedi, or tinkering with your toys in the garage, you can while away the hours guilt-free.
You love saving money
With so few reasons to leave the house, it’s never been easier to save money (if you’re fortunate enough to have a job that isn’t in flux
because of Covid). You can’t go out for dinner, or to the pub, and you certainly don’t need any new going-out clothes.
You love saving money
With so few reasons to leave the house, it’s never been easier to save money (if you’re fortunate enough to have a job that isn’t in flux
because of Covid). You can’t go out for dinner, or to the pub, and you certainly don’t need any new going-out clothes.
Obviously, you wouldn’t want lockdown to last forever, but on crisp autumn afternoons when you’re strolling through the park and admiring the beautiful foliage, you remember to count your blessings. Months from now, when you’re back to the hustle and bustle of a restriction-free life, you’ll look back on these days with a certain amount of fondness.
(Story source: Silver Surfers)