The Government has also taken steps to make work more attractive to over-50s.

The hospitality industry is often seen as the preserve of the young – but a report has revealed that the over50s now make up a third of its workforce.
There are currently more than 165,000 employees over the age of 50 working in hotels, bars, cafes and restaurants, up 14 per cent since 2020.
Kathy Dyball, from, which sponsored the report, said that ‘truly age-diverse policies and hiring approaches’ have been a driving force of the change.
‘Hospitality businesses are paving the way for other sectors,’ she added.
The Government has also taken steps to make work more attractive to over-50s.
Last year it launched a £22 million initiative to help get those on benefits back into work and announced plans for financial health ‘MOTs’ to help participants find job opportunities.
However, there is still concern that older applicants for jobs face discrimination. A study in April by Rest Less showed the number of self-employed people aged over 50 has increased by 18 per cent in the last ten years.
(Story source: Daily Mail)