Older people are having so much sex on cruise ships, they have to be told to bring protection – because std’s are on the rise


Thanks to medical advancements such as viagra, older people are having so much sex on cruise ships, they have been told to bring protection against STD’s.


InTouch Weekly reports that because many people 65+ weren’t educated about safe sex the same way today’s youths are, the uk’s department of health issued a fact sheet for “senior sailors” that warned, “remember alcohol can lower your inhibitions, potentially putting you at risk of sexually transmitted infections. if there is a chance you might have casual sex, be prepared: take in-date, good quality condoms with you.”

But cringe-inducing facts aside, senior sexual health is no joke. ‘the new york times’ reports condoms are used in only 6-percent of sexual encounters among those 61 and older because pregnancy is no longer a threat and that generation is less educated about diseases. and our old people are suffering because of it. as ‘the times’ reports, “between 2007 and 2011, chlamydia infections among americans 65 and over increased by 31-percent and syphilis by 52-percent.” basically, if you love your widowed grandparent, do what’s right: buy them condoms this holiday season.

(Article source: In Touch Weekly)

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