Health & Beauty / Features
And relax… 12 affordable, healthy indulgences to help you chill out
If you’ve had a bad day at work, a horrendous journey home stuck in traffic or received a bill you weren’t expecting - these indulgences might just help? We give you 12 ways to escape the stresses of everyday life. Try your hand at massage A quick self-massage can...
Happy Valentine’s! 9 proven ways being in love makes you gorgeous (and healthy, too!)
Here's how love is transforming you into your healthiest, hottest self. Being in love affects a lot more than our mood - loving relationships improve our looks and our health, too. In fact, love may just be the best medicine out there. Just how powerful is love? Your...
Beat the lurgy: How to prevent a cold or lessen the symptoms
A poll of 2,000 adults, commissioned by well-being brand Healthspan, found the cold and dark winter months result in an increase in illnesses, a lower mood and an overall lack of motivation. The study found 46 per cent of Brits think winter is bad for their health...
Living longer: Dog ownership associated with longer life
Dog ownership was associated with a 33% lower risk of early death for heart attack survivors living alone and 27% reduced risk of early death for stroke survivors living alone, compared to people who did not own a dog. Dog ownership was associated with a 24% reduced...
Beat the winter blues: 10 simple tips for boosting your mood
As the season changes and the sun goes down early, it’s easy to let your mood sink with it. Whether you find you’re affected by the lack of daylight or simply find yourself feeling less than your best when life’s stresses get in the way, the good news is there’s...
Optimist or pessimist: Is your glass half full or half empty?
Our outlook on life can affect many areas of our physical and mental well-being including how we deal with stress, our attitude towards ourselves and towards others. A tendency toward negative thinking can be all-encompassing but there are things we can do to turn...
Get connected: The mind and body connection with holistic healing
People are aware of taking care of their body, even if they don’t do it regularly. But this broad subject is one that has been instilled in us since we were little. You shouldn’t eat “bad” food and you need to be active. Everyone will tell you this, there’s no secret...
Healthy heart: 10 things you can do for heart health
The biggest lifestyle factors impacting on cardiovascular health are mainly down to lifestyle which is something that can be changed. Here Dr Sarah Brewer, Healthspan Medical Director looks at 10 things everyone can do to improve their cardio health. Get your heart...
Fit at fifty: Tips for staying fit through your 50s and beyond
For many people, hitting the big 5-0 represents a fresh start of sorts. In many cases, the kids are grown or in college, the pace of daily life has slowed and there's more time to spend on self-improvement, making this stage of life ideal for starting or furthering...
Don’t turn up the volume! Make sure you get your hearing tested
Now is the time to get your hearing checked if you have been delaying it. Approximately 11 million people in the UK are currently suffering from hearing loss which equates to roughly one in six of us. Of the six million people in the UK who could benefit from hearing...
10 shades of grey: Top ten celebrities who rock grey hair!
You might know Fifty Shades for its steamy love scenes, young Hollywood starlets and glitzy soundtrack; but what about these 10 shades of grey? Yes, we mean the 50-somethings wearing their grey on the outside - with pride, flair and just a touch of sparkle. It’s not...
Whole of life vs over 50s plan: The true battle in later life
By the latter stage of life many people understand the importance of having life insurance for the purpose of covering rising funeral costs or leaving an inheritance; but what many people of this generation don’t know is that there’s more than just one option...