for counselling
British Association for Counselling
and Psychotherapy (BACP)
telephone 0870 443 5252
email [email protected]
a first reference for anyone seeking information on counselling and psychotherapy in the united kingdom. they have a helpful and easy to use search tool to find a therapist.
The Samaritans
telephone 08457 90 90 90
(24 hours, seven days a week)
email [email protected]
confidential non-judgemental support, 24 hours a day for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair.
telephone 020 8519 2122
mind infoline 0845 766 0163 (monday-friday 9:15-5:15)
email [email protected]
the mindinfoline offers confidential help on a range of mental health issues from anywhere in the uk for the price of a local call. local mind associations offer supported housing, crisis helplines, drop-in centres, counselling, befriending, advocacy, employment and training schemes and other services.
tel. 0845 456 1310 or 01788 573241
relate is the uk’s largest provider of relationship counselling and sex therapy. they also offer a range of other relationship support services.
Cruse Bereavement Care
Day-to-day helpline: 0870 167 1677
Help for bereaved people, whatever their age, nationality or beliefs, including a free counselling service.